Referendum Home

Overview of what is coming on the ballot. Click on the buttons above or the pictures below to see more detailed information.

Welcome to our Referendum Home page. This page provides a quick overview of the upcoming school referendums that we will be asking our community to vote on. The referendums include an $8 million bond for our High School and an increase in the Building Reserve Levies for the High School District. These proposals are essential for us to make necessary improvements and investments in our High School and to continue providing quality education to our students. On this page, you will find links to detailed information about each proposal, including how they will impact our High School and the community, and why we believe they are essential for our success. We hope that you find this page helpful and informative, and we thank you for your support of our schools.

Old Pipes

HS Bond

Our high school district is seeking approval for a bond to address urgent facility needs. We have made significant efforts to cut down the cost of the bond from $22.5 million to $8 million, in response to the feedback we received from the voters in the previous bond attempt. We have carefully evaluated the difference between our needs and wants and are only asking for what is essential to maintain our facilities (keep the doors open). The bond is set for a term of 15 years to avoid paying additional interest, and we have also increased the building reserve levy to help take care of the necessary repairs, allowing us to keep the bond lower.

We have gone out for every available grant but still need this bond to address the pressing needs of our high school district. As much as we dislike asking for additional funds from our taxpayers, it is the only mechanism we have to provide safe and functional facilities for our students and staff. The bond is a critical step towards ensuring that we have the resources needed to maintain our facilities, and we hope that our voters will support it. We will reassess the needs of our facilities after five years with the building reserve, but for now, there is no other way to address the significant repairs that need to be done.

For more info, go to the HS Bond/Building Reserve Levy Tab.

Broken Pipe

HS Building Reserve Levy

Our high school district is in need of urgent maintenance and repairs, and we are asking our voters to approve a building reserve levy to address this issue. Currently, our building reserve levy is set at 100,000 per year, which is not enough to keep up with the growing needs of our facilities. The band-aid price of repairs is getting larger and we do not have enough funds to address everything that needs to be fixed. With this proposed building reserve levy, we are seeking to increase the annual allocation to $400,000 per year, which will allow us to address the issues that have been piling up for years. 

Our high school district has more square footage than JES, LES, and WMS combined, which makes it even more imperative to allocate the necessary funds for maintenance and repairs. If we do not get this money, we are uncertain of what we will do if something happens and we cannot fix it. This is why we structured this the way that we did with the HS Bond and HS Building Reserve Levy.  Together, these measures will help us to not only address the immediate maintenance needs of our facilities but also ensure that our high school is equipped to provide a high-quality education for our students for years to come. The proposed levy does not come with any interest payments and is set for a term of 5 years, after which we will reassess the needs of our facilities.  We hope that our voters will support both the building reserve levy and the high school bond to help us effectively take care of the needs of our high school district.

For more info, go to the HS Bond/Building Reserve Levy Tab.


Below you will find articles and videos that will give more information.