Glendive Public Schools; Excellence in Education.


The Core Purpose of the Glendive Public Schools is to create opportunities which promote the interests of students in such a way as to help each child reach their fullest potential and learn how to learn.


The Core Values of Glendive Public Schools are:

Trustworthiness – We value honesty, dependability, and credibility. We need to be able to rely on one another and have trust in one another’s intentions and actions. 

Fairness – We value showing kindness and respect for others at all times. We believe that if we truly care about others and show compassion, we will be a more cohesive community and school. 

Respect/Caring - We value honesty and openness in our relation with others. We believe that transparency and honesty in our communications and our relationships with others is vital to our success. 

Responsibility – We value being accountable for our own actions and working hard to ensure that we are all doing our part. We believe that a having a strong self-worth and work ethic enhance our schools and our community. 

Citizenship -- We value contributions to our community and society in general. We believe that we all benefit from strong civic values.