Glendive Public Schools believes in great communication. This page is dedicated to providing the information that is shared to our communities. This is done in a variety of ways, so we wanted to make a place that anyone can come to and get the information (just in case they miss it).
August 2022- May 2023
7/26/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Start of School
Principals are back working hard to get ready for the start of school
MSU Pod of Student Teachers
Were were picked to host the MSU Pod of Student Teachers
They are in town today and tomorrow visiting before they come for school
We welcome them to our community
Bond and Levy
Should have received Ballot
Encourage everyone to vote
If you didn’t get one, contact the Clerk and Recorders office at the Courthouse
Can still register to vote and get a ballot - go to the courthouse
Had some movement recently
Accounts Payable/Payroll Specialist, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent, Custodians, Paraprofessionals, Cook Assistants, Bus Drivers/Aides
Go to the website (www.glendiveschools.org) to see the full list
7/19/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Start of School
24th first day back for Principals
14th first day back for certified and classified staff
16th first day back for Kinder, 3rd, 6th, and 9th graders
17th - First day for everyone else
JES (Interim) Principal - Roxie Quick
Gettting close to getting all teacher positions
Still looking for Paraprofessionals, Custodians, and Bus Drivers
Substitute Training - August 8th
Calendar - Download from Website (www.glendiveschools.com) - Top Right Corner
Bond and Levy
Ballots going out on the 20th (Tomorrow)
Voter Registration is closed to get a ballot in the mail, but you can still register and vote at the courthouse
August 8th Election - By 8 pm
6/21/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Always very busy, but this one more so than others
Still looking for quite a bit of people (hirings)
LES Plan
Decided on Monday to move forward with the purchase of modulars
Not ideal by any means but with our situation, it is the best plan with the least amount of risk
With anything, nothing goes 100% how you plan it, but we are working as hard as we can to minimize the disruption
For me, this needed to be a solution for Short Term (current students) and help us with Long Term (Future students)
Different Options - Stay at LES (3), Close down al (4), Close down part (1)
Still working on Financing - Using Voted levy and Permissive levy to finance it - trying to maximize what we have for the other buildings as well - looking at all options
Bond and Levy
Mail Ballots
July 10th close of Voter Registration
July 20th Ballots Mailed
August 8th
5/31/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Hiring and Hiring Process
New HS Principal - Amy Ree (Pending Board Approval)
JES Principal position open
DCHS Science
DCHS Industrial Arts
WMS Girls PE
WMS Science
WMS Math
JES 1st Grade
How the Bond and Levy not passing effects hiring
5/24/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Busy time of year (End of School Year)
Field Trips
Sports Activities
Filling positions
Many positions left to fill
Bond and Levy
Board just voted to move forward again
August 8th elections (Mail Ballots)
Let people know what will happen if they don’t pass
Going to continue this during the summer
5/17/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
End of the school year
Facility issues
Boys bathroom at HS - Closed
Server went down
Facilities Meeting - tough decisions moving forward
Most projects are on hold
Board Meeting: Monday, May 22, 2023 at 4:00 pm
5/10/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Bond and levies
Canvas votes 1184 to 1181
Moving Forward
Preparing to look at General Fund to see on Cuts
Board will have to decided what to do next
We are going to be looking at a Facilities meeting or Special Board meeting soon
5/3/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Bond and Levy updates
HS Bond and Levy Failed
Elem Levy Passed
We need to move forward together
4/26/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Referendum Initiatives
Ballots are due on May 2nd
For more information, go to www.glendiveschools.com
The board structured Bond and the Levies so that it took care of the issues we are seeing and saved the taxpayers money
If they levies don’t pass, we won’t have money to pay for building related things and it will have to come out of the general fund
Administrative Assistant’s Day
Some people call them secretaries, but they so much more
A big thank you for all they do for our district
They truly do not get thanked enough for all that they do
4/25/23 - GPS Bond and Levy Information Meeting (Town Hall)
When: Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 pm
Where: DCHS Auditorium
What to bring: Questions - any and all questions related to the Bond or Building Reserve Levies
4/19/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Referendum Initiatives
Ballots going out this week - www.glendiveschools.com
Town Hall Meeting - members of the GUSB board
April 25th at 6:30 in the DCHS Auditorium
This will be an opportunity to hear directly from the board members and ask any questions you may have about the bond and building reserve levies.
Math Curriculum Review Process
A huge thank you to all the people involved in this!
4/12/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Referendum Initiatives
Ballots going out this week - www.glendiveschools.com
Town Hall Meeting - members of the GUSB board
April 25th at 6:30 in the DCHS Auditorium
This will be an opportunity to hear directly from the board members and ask any questions you may have about the bond and building reserve levies.
Taxable Value
3/29/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Only about 30 days of school left
Last Wednesday in March
Referendum Initiatives
Town Hall Meeting
HS Bond, HS Building Reserve, Elem Building Reserve
Website for information
DCHS Art Show - March 30th (5-8)
3/22/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
What is coming up?
Today is the end of the 3rd Quarter
Spring Sports have already started
Kindergarten Screening on March 31st
3/15/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Referendum Initiatives
HS Bond, HS Building Reserve, Elem Building Reserve
Aren’t running any General Fund Levies
Website for information
3/1/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
HS Bond (8 million)
Cut the last one by 15.5 million
Building Reserve Levies (HS and Elem)
They are up at the end of this year
Increased from last time
General Fund Levies (possible HS and Elem)
We will know more this week if we have to run these
If we need to run these, it allows us to operate at around the same budget as we have been at for the last 6-7 years
Look out for more information
Website, social media, paper, radio, etc.
2/15/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Cell phones in schools
Some states banning cell phones (16 years and younger)
They are a tool
Balance between banning them and letting them do what they want
Big debate everywhere
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, February 21 (2pm - 8pm)
2/15/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Cell phones in schools
Some states banning cell phones (16 years and younger)
They are a tool
Balance between banning them and letting them do what they want
Big debate everywhere
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, February 21 (2pm - 8pm)
2/8/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Technology Information for Parents
Programs that mask what the phone looks like
Research about the effects on the brain
So important to have Conversations with kids
2/8/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Technology Information for Parents
Programs that mask what the phone looks like
Research about the effects on the brain
So important to have Conversations with kids
2/1/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
It is February 1st
Past the half way mark in the school year
Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up - End of Feb
Technology Information for Parents
One-third of teenagers wake up at night and check their phones - some up to 10 times a night
Keep the phones out of their room
Kids are addicted to their phones - Rewire brains
Some kids have a second phone
1/25/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Chatgpt and AI
A whole new world with technology
Where education is going
What AI is capable of doing
The world is changing so rapidly
1/18/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
MAST pilot - 5th and 7th - formative assessment vs summative assessments
MT piloting it to possibly change how state assessments are done
A big Thank you to all of our 5th and 7th grade
Fastbridge - universal screener
Switched from NWEA MAP testing
Formative assessment
Use this to help make decisions for students
1/12/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Upping the levies
Possible HS bond
More work to be done before Elem bond
The board has been doing their due diligence
1/4/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show
What we talked about:
Looking at what we have to do
Building Reserve Levies are up this year
LES Roof, LES Fire Alarm (Christmas Day)
WMS Water pipe break - kitchen (Day after Christmas)
Business Manager Retiring at end of December