We are excited to inform you that at tonight’s board meeting, GPS policy was amended in regards to face coverings during the school day. Face coverings will now be optional for all people on school district grounds except in certain situations. The board specifically authorizes teachers and/or staff to make the determination if face coverings will be required in their individual classrooms/settings. Below is the new language of the policy:
- Staff, students, and visitors may wear a face covering, mask, or face shield while present in any school building. The board specifically authorizes teachers and/or staff to make the determination if face coverings will be required in their individual classrooms/settings. In all other situations, the School District does not require the use of masks (except if directed by Dawson County Health and/or MHSA) and will continue to provide masks to all employees, students, and visitors who may still require a face covering due to health or personal reasons or in cases required by this policy or at the discretion of the administration.
- Allegations of harassment of any person wearing or not wearing a face covering, mask or face shield shall be promptly investigated in accordance with District policy. Harassment towards teachers and/or staff members requiring face coverings will not be tolerated. A student, staff member, or visitor who, after an investigation, is found to have engaged in behavior that violates District policy is subject to redirection or discipline.
The board also approved this 4 day school week calendar for next year. More information will be coming out in the weeks ahead. We just wanted to update everyone just in case you weren’t able to attend or watch the livestream.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your building administrator. Thanks!