Welcome to Glendive Public Schools' Website! We hope you find our website to be a valuable resource.
At GPS we have a vision: Excellence in Education. Our commitment to this vision is behind everything we do for our students.
A dedicated staff and a supportive community are the driving forces behind our school district.
Our staff continually brings their best each and every day. We want our students to walk away feeling safe and valued. For what better purpose can a school district have than to add value to it's students?
At GPS, we also strive to ensure our schools remain a source of pride for our community. With the multitude of obstacles that education is facing (funding, classroom sizes, technology, etc.), it is more important than ever that we work together to meet these difficulties. I encourage you to become involved in our schools by being a volunteer, attending student events, or attending our school board meetings. We value community support and input and will continue to strive to earn your trust and respect.
I challenge you to learn more about our school district by exploring our website and signing up for our email list.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions, or need more information. You can reach me by email at schreibeiss@glendiveschools.org or via phone at 406-377-5339.
Stephen Schreibeis
Glendive Public Schools
Welcome Message
August 31, 2018