Dear Parent/Guardian, 

We just wanted to let you know that we are monitoring the situation with the predicted storm that is coming into our area.  At this time, we will still be having school tomorrow.  A decision like this is not taken lightly as we know that parents need to work as well.  


As with any situation that happens in Eastern Montana, things can change at any time.  If things do change, we will be notifying everyone immediately.  Just like anytime during the school year, please be prepared for the following possibilities: buses being canceled, delayed starts, early release, virtual learning, or school being canceled.  


We know that not all people will agree with whatever decision is made.  As parents, you are the final authority as to whether or not you believe it is safe for your child to get to school. If you believe that it is too cold, the snow is too deep, or the weather is too unsettled, your decision may be to keep your child home. You have the right and responsibility to make attendance decisions for your children based on your individual circumstances. Please notify your student’s school as you would for any other absence. The absence may be excused and for high school students, it will not count towards attendance school. 


Again, we will notify everyone immediately if plans change.  


Thank you!

 Glendive Public Schools