Our Kindergarten Screening and Registration are March 31 at Jefferson. Please join us to tour the school, meet some of our staff, and get great information on how to help make your child's transition to kindergarten seamless! This is open to students who are or will be five by September 10th. Call now to schedule an appointment.
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Kindergarten Screening and Registration, Call 377-1253 for an appointment, March 31 from 8-12:30
We appreciate and thank all of our GPS bus drivers for all they do for our students and families.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
School Bus Driver
Just a reminder that there is an early out tomorrow for Parent Teacher Conferences.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
PT Conferences
Happy President's Day from Glendive Public Schools
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Happy President's Day
From the Transportation Department: Bus 1 will not run the afternoon route tomorrow, Thursday February 16.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Happy Valentine's Day from Glendive Public Schools
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Happy Valentine's Day
​From the Transportation department: There is a change to tomorrow's (Thursday, February 9) bus schedule. All buses will run the morning route. Bus 1 and 4 will not run the afternoon route.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
From the Transporation Department: For Thursday, February 9 the following bus route changes: Bus 4 will not run an A.M. or P.M. route. Bus 1 will not run the P.M. route. Bus 7 will not run the P.M. route.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
​From the Transportation Department: Bus 4 WILL be able to run the afternoon route today, Tuesday February 7. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
​From the Transportation Department: Bus 1 will not run its morning route on Tuesday, February 7.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
From the Transportation Department: On Monday, February 6 Bus 1 will not be running the morning or afternoon routes.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
​Healthy, free meals at school help enable all children to have the same opportunities to learn and thrive, no matter where they grow up. The impact has been shown to last well into adulthood, with evidence linking free school meals to improved educational attainment and a host of social, financial and health benefits. Glendive Public Schools provides healthy, nutritionally balanced meals through its participation in the federal USDA meal program. Glendive Public Schools is excited to offer an electronic application for free and reduced-price meals for the USDA's National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs. This interactive application will guide you through the application process. When you apply for the program, you have the possibility to not only help feed your kids but can also possibly help the school district. The number of student households that qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program directly affects the district's federal funding. Families who wish to apply for free or reduced-cost meals may apply online through the link below or, if you would rather fill out a paper copy, you can pick up an application in any of our school offices. Please note: families need to complete only one application for their family if they list all of their children on the application. Applications need to be completed at the beginning of every school year. If you have already completed your application for the 2022-23 school year, you do not need to do another one at this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GPS business office at (406) 377-5369, or Val Damron, Special Services Director at (406) 377-5363. Online Application 22-23 Link: https://dca.opi.mt.gov/FRApp?sponsorNum=0206 Paper Application 22-23 Link: https://5il.co/1geax Application Instructions Link: https://5il.co/1geay
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Free and Reduced Lunch
​From the Transportation Department: Bus 7 will not run the afternoon route on Thursday, January 26.
almost 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Make sure to check out our January 2023 Title 1 Newsletter at the following link: https://5il.co/1mzn7
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
January Title  1  Newsletter
Glendive Public Schools would like to acknowledge our Board of Trustees and thank them for everything they do for our students, staff and District.
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
School Board Appreciation
Happy New Year from Glendive Public Schools. We look forward to seeing everyone back in the buildings on January 3.
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Happy New Year
Glendive Public Schools would like to take this time to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season. We are thankful for your support over the last year and look forward to what the new year will bring.
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Happy Holidays
Dear Parents, GPS utilizes the Infinite Campus and Apptegy as our Parent Notification Systems for making mass phone calls to parents. Please click here for more information regarding Infinite Campus and Apptegy procedures: https://5il.co/1ma4x There are times when we send messages out late at night or early in the morning. We try not to use the voice system in the middle of the night or early in the morning so as to not disturb your household’s sleep. At times like this we send emails or text messages to our households. If you do not have the text message or email options active in your Infinite Campus account you will not receive these messages. If you are unsure as to what options you have set up we have the following instructions to assist you. Please take time to review your settings to ensure you are not missing out on important information. As always, please feel free to contact your student’s school with any questions you may have. JES: 377-4155 LES: 377-2308 WMS: 377-2356 DCHS: 377-5265 Thank you. Infinite Campus Instructions: 1. From your phone or computer log in to Infinite Campus 2. Click on the Person icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen 3. Click on Settings 4. Click on Contact Preferences 5. Verify that your listed phone numbers are correct 6. Make sure to check mark the boxes next to your desired means of communication for both phone and email
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Infinite Campus Instructions
A message has been sent to all students who ride a bus. Please check your email, the GPS app, the GPS website, or go to the following link to see the message: https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/940416
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
A message has been sent to all students who ride a bus. Please check your email, the GPS app, the GPS website, or go to the following link to see the message: https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/939103
about 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools