UPDATE: Bus 1 WILL be running this afternoon.
Thursday, November 10.

With winter just around the corner we just want to remind everyone on the school disruption information. All students, parents, and school employees should assume that school will be in session and buses will be running as scheduled unless there is an official notification from the Superintendent to the contrary. Please remember to dress your children accordingly. Students go outside unless the temperature or wind chill is below zero.
Please click on the following for more information on the process for school closures: https://www.glendiveschools.com/page/emergency-info

From the transportation department: Bus 1 will not run the afternoon route Thursday, November 3.

From the transportation department: Bus 5 will not run the afternoon route today, Tuesday, November 1.

Every parent wants to help their child do their best in school. Here are some tangible things that can be done at home to help foster success at school.
*Feed your child a healthy breakfast each morning
*Make sure they are getting enough sleep each night
*Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences and ask for specific things to work on at home
*Support homework expectations
*Help your child study by providing a quiet place where they can concentrate
*Know the school rules and let your child know your expectations of them at school

From the transportation department: Bus 1 will not run the afternoon route today, Wednesday, October 26.

Good Evening,
We have been unable to fire up the boiler at LES as the boiler repair person is still working on the boiler. We were hoping to have this finished up tonight, but it looks like it will be done tomorrow morning sometime. Please make sure your student is dressed in layers as the temperature will be different throughout the building. Even when the boiler gets started, there will be a big variability in temperatures throughout the building.
Please have your students dress appropriately as the weather is predicted to be more winter-like weather. Students will be going outside for recess.
If anything else changes, we will be letting you know.

Thank you to all of our principals at Glendive Public Schools. We appreciate everything you do for our district.

Thank you to all of our custodians for all you do for our District. You are so very much appreciated!

Important information from GPS: https://www.glendiveschools.com/article/855742

We are so excited to see everyone tonight at 6:00 PM in the DCHS auditorium for Jeff Veley and the Squabbles Family Game Show!! Bring your kids, bring your friends, just come and have a great time with lots of laughs.

Don't forget that this Thursday, September 29, Jeff Veley will be at the DCHS auditorium presenting a Squabbles Family Game Show. The event starts at 6:00 and is free to everyone.
You don't want to miss out on this exciting event!!

Hello GPS families. We have an exciting event coming to Glendive that we would like to invite you all to attend. Jeff Veley will be here in person on September 29 to present a Squabbles Family Game Show.
During this interactive event, Jeff brings students onstage to resolve crazy conflicts and compete in hilarious resilience-building challenges. Through lots of laughter, parents and kids learn how to identify aggression, manage emotions and resolve social conflicts – simply and easily.
SQUABBLES LIVE! brings a playful approach to the painful problem of bullying. As a result, families leave viewing conflicts as an opportunity to build resilience in students. Resilience-building games and mental health resources are provided.
This energetic event is packed with music, illusions, and plenty of audience participation.
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Go down to the Gallery from 1-4 for a silent auction. All items were donated by alumni and teachers from the 90’s. An amazing collection of talent! All proceeds go back to the DCHS art department earmarked for community beautification.

As the new school year approaches we are once again in need of substitutes. Please consider applying and being a part of our amazing team. You can pick which school, days and hours you want to work. Just go to www.glendiveschools.com and click on employment opportunities on the top right hand corner and complete and application.

Please see the attached flyer for information on getting your student vaccinated before school starts.

Verizon-Cellular Plus here in Glendive will be giving away free backpacks filled with school supplies on Saturday, July 30 from 10am to noon at 620 N Merrill Ave, Glendive.
They would like to help make it a little easier for families to afford these essential supplies, so students start off the school year prepared and confident.
No purchase is necessary to receive a backpack and a child must be present with an adult to claim their free backpack. There are a limited number available and will be distributed while supplies last. One per student.

Don't forget to complete our community survey. We value our community members feedback. Your input helps us to improve and make our district the best that it can be for our students and staff. This survey is different than the parent or staff survey so please take this one as well as it contains different questions. Click on the link below. Once there, click on the “Take this survey” button. Or you can scan the QR code on your phone and it will take you directly to the survey. You only need to take the survey once. The survey will close on July 9, 2022, and will not be available after this date. Thank you!!

In order to have the best schools that we can, the first step is getting feedback from all stakeholders. As community members, your feedback is vital to assist us in creating the best learning environments for our students. Please help us out by filling out the following survey. The more we know how to improve, the better experience we will be able to set up for our students, teachers and staff. If you have already taken another one of our surveys (staff or family), we invite you to take this as well as it has different questions on it. We would love it if every person in our community could give us feedback.
Click on the link above. Once there, click on the “Take this survey” button. Or you can scan the QR code on your phone and it will take you directly to the survey. You only need to take the survey once. The survey will close on July 9, 2022, and will not be available after this date. If you would like to fill out a paper survey, please come to the district office (DCHS Merrill Entrance). Thank you!